Peg Buehrle and Pete McDowell, Action Coaching, Five Points of Profitability
Paul Carringer, Publicist, Caring Marketing, How to Grow Your Business by Becoming Visible Using Public and Media Relations
Rick Crossland, MBA, Business Coach, Action Coach, Enduring Ethics: Creating a Code of Honor in Your Practice
James B. Curtin, Attorney at Law, CPA(Inactive), Hrabcak & Company, L.P.A., Ethical Considerations in Today's Environment
Frank Dantonio, Multistate Tax Service, LLC, Ohio Tax Reform: Overview of Changes
Sharon DeLay, Boldly Go, LinkedIn: I have a linked in profile and I have NO IDEA what to do with it!
Dennis Duffy, CPA, Duffy + Duffy Cost Segregation Services, Inc. Cost Segregation
Wayne T. Essex, Ph. D, Essex & Associates, Inc., New tax issues for 2010
Carmen Fiorilli, President, Fiorilli Construction, CORE Alliance Manager; LEED AP|GAcr|AIC|AIA, The NEW Economy LEED, Sustainability, Integrated Project Delivery and the CORE Concept
Shawn Harper, former NFL Player and CEO of American Services and Protection, Motivation
Keith A. Heichel, CFP, ChFC, Pinnacle Professional Marketing, Inc., Increase Your Income Through Strategic Professional Relationships
Nancy Holderman & Rick Shantery, NMP Consulting, Computer Backup & Data Recovery
Bonnie James, President & NASA Consultant, Advanced Reading Concepts, Myths About Speedreading
Karen Crisp, Advanced Certified QuickBooks Advisor from QB Studies Plus, Client Strategies and Increasing Revenue.
John N. Lewis, CFA, New Albany Capital Partners, LLC, Hidden costs, Price Risk, and Not-so Risk Free Portfolios
Doug Maag, Maag LLC Risk/Actuarial Consulting, Workers Compensation: Keeping Current
Lark T. Mallory, Attorney, CPA(Inactive), Chester, Willcox & Saxbe, LLP, Mergers & Acquisitions – Due Diligence and Documenting the Transaction
Laura J. Malone, Director of Gift Planning, American Endowment Foundation, Donor Advised Funds – How They Can Benefit Your Clients
Doug Meyer, CPA and Laurence Jones III, CPA; Brixey & Meyers, Maximizing Incentives Opportunities
Craig Miller, CPA, Duffy + Duffy Cost Segregation Services, Inc, Energy Improvements to Commercial Buildings and the Sec. 179d Tax Deduction
Angela Parsons, J.D., Gift Planning Officer, The Columbus Foundation, Planned Giving and Taxation
Chrissie A. Powers, CPA/CFF, CFE, CVA, P.D. Eye Forensics, LLC, The Perfect Storm for Fraud
Laura Pettit Rusick, OPT Soluctions, Cloud Strategies
Robin L. Ring, CPA, Alexander, Offenberger & Root, Inc., Accounting & Auditing SSARS 19: A Re-Engineered Approach
Ted Rusinoff, M.Tax, CFP® President, Aegis Risk Management Group, Hedge Instruments and Accounting and Tax Treatments
Robert P. St. Germain, CBI, Corporate Finance Associates, Mergers & Acquisitions: The Planning, The Preparation and The Process
Greg Schenk, President, The Schenk Company, Inc., Columbus Real Estate Market
Angela Siefer, ShinyDoor, Facebook: How do I use this in my business
Timothy M. Schwendeman, QEP, LEED, AP, CJG-V, Vice President, Affinity Consultants, Cap and Trade: Carbon Verification and Its Impact on Business
Mary Taylor, CPA (Inactive), Lieutenant Governor, (Ohio Auditor of State at the time of Key Note Address)
Shawn Thompson, Head Professional, Jefferson Country Club, Golf as a Business Tool
Randy Walker, Private Investigator, Fraud Interviewing
David Yost, Ohio Auditor of State, Key Note Address
Benjamin S. Zacks, Esquire and Marcus D. Dunn, Esquire, Zacks Law Group, LLC, The Do's and Don't s of LLC's and Other Corporate Structures; Theft Loss Deductions & IRS Refunds after Maddoff & other investment scams; Socially Sensitive “L3C”- the ‘Non-Profit/For Profit’ hybrid limited liability companies- Are you aware of these new tools for your clients